Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Those who study prophecy are familiar with that number. Teachings on the 144,000 range from a 'literal' interpretation ... to a 'symbolic' interpretation ... to a 'cultish' interpretation. Depending on one's belief system, it becomes either a blessing or a stumbling block. 

It is first mentioned in Revelation 7:4 ... Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. 

1. The literal approach

When taken at face value, the 144,000 are actual people living during the end-times tribulation. They are Jews ... 12,000 taken from each tribe of the children of Israel, (listed in verses 5-8). Their mission is to evangelize the 'post-rapture' world and proclaim the gospel during that terrible seven-year period. As a result - 'a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language' will come to faith in Christ. (Revelation 7:9) 

2. The symbolic approach

Although the book of Revelation goes into great detail concerning the literal nature of the 144,000, it hasn’t stopped many from taking 'flights of interpretive fancy'. It is rooted in prejudice against anything that shows mercy toward the Jews. They insist that the 144,000 is a number that represents the Church (part of what is known as 'Replacement Theology'). But Paul made it clear ... For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. (Galatians 6:15-16)

3. The cultish approach 

Cults go one step further ... the dismantling of the Bible in order to suit a reprobate agenda. The Jehovah’s Witnesses for example claim that 144,000 is limited to the number of people who will reign with Christ in heaven and spend eternity with God (the 'heavenly hope'). Believers who aren't among that group will enjoy paradise on earth (the 'earthly hope') ruled by Christ and the 144,000 throughout eternity. These aberrant teachings are contrary to Scripture and steeped in pride. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. (Matthew 15:9)

True followers of Christ prefer to believe God's Word as written. To us, the 144,000 are 'sealed Jews' who come to faith in Jesus as Messiah during the Tribulation period. They are described as the 'first fruits unto God and to the Lamb' (Revelation 14:4) and represent the initial stage of a final harvest of Jewish souls ... to be gathered when the Lord returns. 

Scripture is to be taken literally unless otherwise noted by the Word itself. It is precious and trustworthy to the salvation of your soul, your ongoing sanctification, and the encouragement you need in times like these. 

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