Saturday, August 10, 2024


There are six 'of the Lord' statements made in Psalm 19:7-9. Each bears a subject and a divine effect ... 

1. 'The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul' 

The inspired Word of God is complete; no redundancies and no omissions. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect ... everything that a sinner needs for salvation.  

Spurgeon - When the soul grows sorrowful the Lord revives it; when it is sinful He sanctifies it; when it is weak He strengthens it. 

2. 'The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple'

God bears witness to man's sin and Christ's righteousness; mankind's fall and the plan of salvation. His testimony is infallible and the 'sureness' thereof allows a believer to find rest for his soul. 

Spurgeon - Humble, candid, teachable minds receive God's Word ... and are made 'wise' unto salvation. Things hidden from the world are revealed unto babes. 

3. 'The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart'

God's decrees emanate from His goodness, perfectly fitted for that which plagues mankind. As a physician prescribes the right medicine, or a counselor the right advice ... so the Lord offers the gift of salvation to a lost and dying world.

Spurgeon - Free grace brings 'heart joy'. Earthborn mirth dwells on the lip and flushes the bodily powers, but heavenly delights satisfy the inner nature and fill the mental faculties to the brim. 

4. 'The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes'

His instruction is untainted by error. No outside influence that seeks to defile it with religious doctrines of men will prosper. God's commandment is the uncontaminated milk that nourishes and establishes one's faith. 

Spurgeon - Look at the sun and it puts out your eyes, look at the more than sunlight of Revelation and it enlightens them; the purity of snow causes snow blindness to the Alpine traveler, but the purity of God's truth cures the natural blindness of the soul. 

5. 'The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever'

Godly fear cleanses a believer of his love for sin ... transforming him into the likeness of Christ. The Lord is never satisfied until every corner of a man's soul is rid of that which lurks in his latent nature. That process of sanctification continues until we go to our eternal home. 

Spurgeon - Filth brings decay, but cleanness is the great foe of corruption. The grace of God in the heart being a pure principle, is also an abiding and incorruptible principle, which may be crushed for a time but cannot be utterly destroyed. 

6. 'The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether'

God's wisdom is worthy of your trust. His instructions are to be followed, even when those around you are heading in the opposite direction. Your obedience to Christ may bring chastisement ... but is important that you remain steadfast in your resolve. 

Spurgeon - The judicial decisions of Jehovah, as revealed in the law, or illustrated in the history of his providence, are truth itself, and commend themselves to every truthful mind; not only is their power invincible, but their justice is unimpeachable. 

Allow these 'of the Lord' verses to encourage you on your walk of faith. We serve a Wonderful God and His desire is that you come to know Him personally. Depend upon His sovereignty and be blessed. 

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