Monday, September 30, 2024


For those whose prayer life has become a 'mechanical discipline' instead of an 'intimate communion', it is important to revisit the Biblical view of what it means to approach God's throne. 

The Lord's Prayer was given by Christ as a model, not meant to be repeated 'word for word' as if that satisfies the command ... Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:18)

'ACTS' (an acronym, not the book) can be used as a basic formula for prayer, helpful for new believers as well as those who are stuck in an intermittent, disjointed religious routine. 

The letters stand for ...

Adoration: Worshipping, glorifying, and exalting God for Who He is through words of praise. 

Confession: Acknowledging that you have sinned so that forgiveness, restoration, and fellowship can take place.

Thanksgiving: Focusing on what God does ... the giving of His love, salvation, protection, and provision.

Supplication: Petitioning God for our needs (and those of others) ... mercy, guidance, wisdom.

There are also several instructive features in Jesus' prayer at the hour of His trial ... And after going a little farther, He fell face down and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”  (Matthew 26:39)

Note that ...

1. It was a 'lonely' prayer. We should experience solitary prayer, especially in times of trial or heartfelt devotions. 

2. It was a 'humble' prayer. Humility displays your trust in God's sovereign will for your specific situation. 

3. It was a 'filial' prayer. Nothing can forfeit a child’s right to be heard by his father. Be not afraid to say, “Abba, hear my cry.”

4. It was a 'persevering' prayer. Jesus prayed three times. It is not sinful for you to persist in prayer and watch for the answer.

5. It was the prayer of 'resignation'. Be content to leave it in the hands of the One, who knows when to give, how to give, what to give, and what to withhold.

These patterns for prayer can be helpful, but as you grow in Christ ... you'll see your prayers become more 'free-flowing' and personal. The Father wants His children to speak from an honest and sincere place. 

Don't simply mouth words you think will appease God. He knows what's in your heart ... express that.  

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