Tuesday, October 1, 2024


People arrange their schedules, budgets, and relationships based on perceived importance. When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit resets those priorities. You are called to trust, obey, and love Him above all else.

In other words, invest every fiber of your being into your relationship with God ... You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37)

We must hold nothing back ...

1. Putting God first means we have determined that He is more important than any other personal relationship ... His Word is more valuable than any other message ... and His will is more desirable than one's own agenda.

2. Putting God first means keeping our lives free from anything that infringes upon His sovereign authority. We must tear from our hearts anything that lessens our devotion to (or reverence of) our Heavenly Father. 

3. Putting God first means that we seek to know Jesus Christ and strive to follow in His footsteps. Our Savior's life was characterized by total submission to the Father’s will, service to others, and prayer. 

When we focus on the Lord as our sole priority, everything else falls into place ... seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

The responsibilities and pressures of this world vie for our attention. The noise can cause our focus to shift away from God ... unintentionally placing Him in the background of life.

Keep Him first, stay in His presence, hold His hand. Don't allow your walk of faith to be hampered by priorities that are out of order. 

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